Owing to malarkey on the Blogspot server, this is the second attempt at this post today. The first disappeared into the great black hole of cyberspace. Bugger! I really hate retyping everything from scratch...
I continue to pick up new readers and there is a nice international following. However I suspect many of you don't care one whit about my ramblings about genealogical and cultural issues and came here primarily for stories of derring do in Minis. So for all you automotive afficianados out there here's the link to the Omnibus Edition (all 10 parts) of the 2005 Monte Carlo Rally.
PS Have just checked the blog and found the missing post has mysteriously appeared. *?@#!!*! So I typed the bloody thing twice from scratch. I'll have to find some suitable acronym of the type that ScaryDuck would use for such situations. See his post of March 15 to catch my drift...
Deja Vu is French, the rest is English!
Thanks for visiting. I used to drive a Mini from London to Durham every 3 weeks in the mid-1990s so I can empathise. It would take me a day to recover! Love your site BTW.
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