I came across this optional extra a few years ago. Apparently Police in Oulu, Finland, dreamed up this idea after being given the run around by boy racers and aspiring rally drivers once too often. It's a deployable harpoon that can be fitted to police cars. The idea is that in a chase, the telescopic "carpoon" as it's known, can be swung out and fired into the rear of the fleeing vehicle. It looks like something straight out of a Mad Max movie. Barbs in the device ensure that the cars remain connected: the concept is a bit like a solid towbar but in reverse. The police car then slows to a halt, forcing the errant vehicle to slow with it. Apparently tear gas can be pumped into the criminal car if necessary.
Now I can see a few problems with the thing, like what happens if there is a hostage in the boot/trunk? Or what if the criminal has a more powerful car than the police car. Some amusing scenarios can be envisaged. I suspect the Carpoon never gained widespread acceptance. A pity. I wouldn't mind one for myself. I have a nice little fantasy about what I'll do to the next little git in a VW Jetta who cuts me up... (laughs maniacally)
oooh, I want one of those too!!
actually if EVERYONE had one, I think there'd be a lot more courteous drivers on the road!!
One wonders about the effects of the recoil, specially if you were stationary with someone behind you. Neat gadget all the same!!
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