The author performing sword kata.
Previously I've alluded to the fact that I've practiced aikido and iaido (the art of sword drawing) on and off for years. Currently I attend West Seattle Aikikai, a smallish but pristine dojo which is conveniently located for home and work. I don't inted to make this a martial arts blog as (i) I fear I might cheapen these wonderfully dignified and fulfilling activities if I discuss them too often in adjacent company to some the more frivolous topics on this site and (ii) there are already some excellent, dedicated, aikido and iaido/kendo blogs including Dai Kyo Soku Kei, Mingshi's Kendo Blog and Uchideshi (see also sidebar) and I don't feel I can cover the subjects in the same detail. However I will contribute the occasional post as appropriate.
Watch this space for more details...
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