The story of the 2005 Monte Carlo Historique Rally is rapidly coming to an end. I'll be at a loss for subject matter in a day or so. Anyway folks, there's not much of a story here on this post. It's mostly a photo-montage of some of the members and friends of the Cooper Car Co team at the Gala Dinner. Please don't ask where Alain Lopes and Joseph Lambert got to as I have no idea. I suspect they sought refuge on a French-speaking table. The Gala Dinner is organised by the Automobile Club de Monaco as the grand finale of the rally. It's a shame that only two additional tickets are allowed for the driver/co-driver as it relegates the hard-working service crews to second class citizenery. But at 200 Euro/$300 each they are prohibitively expensive.
So after a day of sleep and than preparing the Mini for it's trip back to the UK (mostly stripping it of small, valuable, items such as the rally plates, stopwatches, Halda etc that would make great souvenirs for thieves everywhere) I duly spruced myself up, donned my tuxedo and set off for the Monaco Sporting Club. A great evening was had by all although a couple of points should be made tot the ACM (1) for goodness sake provide a smoke-free environment somewhere in the bloody building (I thought this was a Euro requirement) and (2) when the prizes are are presented, it is wholly undignified and embarrassing to have the winners scooped from the audience by provocatively dressed young women. I know it's a historic rally but society has moved on since the "historic values" of the 50s and 60s, especially our treatment of women. Anyway it's too late at night to rant further so here are the pictures:

Bill Richards looking dignified

Paul Easter: Is that 12 Monte campaign bars I can count on his ACM medal?

Peter Collier: Next year I think Peter is going to come back to the event in his trusty and much more sensible Triumph 2000!

Peter Barker contemplating how he will win the event outright next year

Willy Cave (L) makes a point to Geoff O'nion

Sharon O'nion and John Lindley

Valerie Lindley

Bill with Nicky West and Rob Stacey

This gentleman was delighted with his prize...!
I think there will be just one more post on the rally and then I'll put the topic to rest for awhile. In any case please keep watching this space...
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