Mad Dog reunited with Cool Cat after 10 year hiatus
Wow it’s been a funny old month in the Silly Season. More blog material around than ever and no time to write a thing. In the last 30 days or so I’ve attended a concert, been reunited with a very cool cat (see above), participated in a rally (the automotive kind -report pending), wielded a sword almost every day and dropped 15lbs. And all this gainst a backdrop of unbelievable 106°F heat (sorry, I’m still stuck in Imperial measure out here in the Colonies) and all sorts of notable world events including swine ‘flu fever fever (100,000 cases in one week of July in the UK), the death of Grasshopper, the lunacy of the lunar landing’s 40th anniversary, the realization that even with space age technology we still can’t build a reliable toilet. And this weekend it’s the 40th anniversary of Woodstock (more on that tomorrow). Oh my, where did the time go?
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