Sunday, July 28, 2013

Bye, Bye, J.J.

After Midnight, 1971

Cocaine, 1976

Ciao, JJ; we'll miss you (especially Eric)!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Family Triumphs 2013 (iv)

Now it's my time to toot my own horn, as it were. I'm now officially a rock music historian. Bravo Coursera for an excellent idea and well done (Prof) John Covach at the University of Rochester for designing a compelling course. In the scheme of things this certificate doesn't mean much but I worked quite diligently on the course and I'm ridiculously proud of it. Now I'm stuck into Part 2 and I'll let you know how I got in about six weeks' time...

P.S. Update: I did indeed pass Part 2 (with distinction): now I'm going to make a business card with the description "Rock Music Historian".

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Family Triumphs 2013 (iii)

Dr O (No!  -not quite yet) is within a hair of finishing her third year at San Raffaele; just those pesky exams in ENT/pulmonary medicine before a three month break with lots of travel and parties. The halfway stage in any course is an important milestone and in the case of medicine it's a very non-trivial accomplishment.  Congratulations, Olivia!

Monday, July 08, 2013

Family Triumphs 2013 (ii)

You know you're getting old when doctors look this young! Well done, Hannah, and with honours, too! I'm also mystified excited that you are thinking of taking up immunology as a career. Now go and party for a few weeks: you deserve it!

PS Since my note above Hannah has now formally graduated so here's a couple of pics with her wearing a mortar board and gown.

Hannah looking fab.

With incredibly proud Mum.