I've just had another cull of dead hypertext links. It's amazing how many regular bloggers stall or give up. So it's goodbye to the following:
Arse Poetica –stopped blogging in June
Axis of Evel Knievel -stopped blogging in July
Blunt Cogs –stopped blogging in April
Dai Kyo Soku Kei –blog cut off ages ago
Disgruntled Chemist –stopped blogging in June
Queen of Sky has morphed into
Queen of Screen (this new link is now up)
Shite Drivers –not the same since Niall stopped running the site
SAMOA –guys you don’t seem to be interested in Minis in motorsport
SCHPAA –looks so 2001 and no longer funny
Tabula Rasa –a shame about this one as Little Cricket was a blogger I’d actually met and was a regular contributor to the comments section at MD&E
Twenty Major -scatological Irish blogger will be much missed
Ubiqitous (sic) -Sarah has become
Zero Point Perspective (cool name)
A few other links to sports clubs have also gone. I will re-instate any of the above if they start to post again.
P.S. On the plus side, Dr Jim has a new blog,
Time to Waste. I've added it to the sidebar (under "Science and Scientists" and it's well worth a visit.